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The University Research Scholars Program (URSP) is by invitation only and introduces its scholars to the exciting world of academic research. In the program, students are exposed to many opportunities to hone their skills.


  • Introduces students to the breadth of research at UF
  • Prepares students to become part of the research community at UF
  • Assists students in finding research opportunities
  • Offers students leadership experience
  • Provides networking opportunities with distinguished faculty
  • Offers students mentorship opportunities
  • Provides students the ability to present their research
  • Offers students an opportunity to publish their research

Program Requirements

URSP offers students a suite of activities that will not only prepare them for research, but will enhance their resume and prepare them for whatever their post graduation plans are. There are Core Requirements that must be met before graduation to be recognized as URSP at graduation. After graduation, there is a selection of professional activities that students can choose from.

  • Take Research and Creativity (HUM2930), (With permission from the Director, in the event of a scheduling problem students may enroll in Science for Life).
  • Attend the Fall Undergraduate Research Expo.
  • Attend 1 URSP Research Seminar.
  • Attend the Fall Undergraduate Research Symposia.
  • Create an E-Portfolio.
  • Attend 1 URSP or CURBS Workshops.
  • Read 1 Common Reads book.
  • Meet with your mentor in the Fall.
  • Complete the Initial Acceptance Survey and Post-Research and Creativity Survey.
  • Attend all URSP Information Sessions and Meetings

  • Take a CURE course (Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience)

  • Meet with your mentor in the Spring

  • Attend the Spring Undergraduate Research Symposiums

  • Attend 1 Research Seminars

  • Attend 1 URSP or CURBS Workshops

  • Read 1 Common Reads book

  • Update E-Portfolio

  • Complete the Post-CURE Survey and End of Year 1 Survey

  • Complete a minimum of 4 semester of research (at least 2 must be consecutive). Students may substitute one semester with an internship, design team, or study abroad — contact Dr. Anne Donnelly ( for exceptions.
  • Attend at least one research seminar per year.
  • Attend at least one Undergraduate Research Symposium per year.
  • Update your E-Portfolio once per yeaar.
  • Present at 2 Research Symposiums
  • Activities Worth 1 Point:
    Present at a research seminar (Limit 2 – Does not have to be in the same year)
    Join the URSP Student Advisory Board (Limit 1)
    Present two times at UF Undergraduate Symposium (Limit 2 -Does not have to be in the same year)
    Meeting all mentorship requirements (Limit 2)
    Submit research to UF Journal for Undergraduate Research (JUR) (Limit 3)
    Tiny Talks (0.5 points each, max 2 – Does not have to be in the same year)
    Networking Point (0.5 points each, max 2)

  • Activities Worth 2 Points (Limit 1 each):
    Present at a state/regional-level research conference
    Submit research for publication in a peer-reviewed journal
    Become a University Scholar (USP)

  • Activities Worth 3 Points (Limit 1 each):
    Present at a national-level research conference
    Publish research in a peer-reviewed journal
    Submit a senior/honors research thesis
    Complete a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
    Participate in Summer Undergraduate Research Internship Program (SURIP)

Other Opportunities We Encourage URSP Scholars to Participate in:*

Apply to University Scholars Program
Become an URSP peer mentor
Join the URSP Advisory Board
Present at the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference


Research as an undergraduate student can take on many forms, but the most common path is doing research under the guidance of an established faculty member at the university. Depending on the subject you are doing research on, it can take on many forms, from laboratory and field work to historical studies to creative works. It allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the field you are interested in and even explore opportunities outside your major.

This program is a community of undergraduate students who are preparing to be future leaders. This program exposes you to the  research going on at UF, helps you every step of the way to finding research,  guides you on everything from how to approach a professor to what to do once you are actually in a research project. Additionally, there are many professional development opportunities URSP members can be a part of. 

No matter what field of study you are pursuing, research provides you with an experiential learning opportunity that will  enhance your understanding of the field far beyond what you would learn in a classroom setting. It can better prepare you for your future career and help foster connections that others may not have access to. Research also helps you learn how to think independently and develop new skill-sets.  These skills are extremely valued in all work environments.

Research in not just important to STEM fields.  It is fully integrated into every college and department on campus including these areas and can benefit students in every major.

By starting as a first year student, you can get a head-start and  be a more compelling applicant for any future position you may want to hold. Not only this, but many projects continue for years at a time; by jumping in early, you can set yourself up for the chance to play an even larger role in the research project, potentially even getting the chance to be published in a professional journal or present your research at an event.

Congratulations! You were invited to become part of this prestigious program due to your superior academic record. URSP includes the top 2% of all UF first year students.

URSP is a group of motivated,  future leaders. As part of this group,  students find and excel in research positions. Students in URSP participate in a one credit course during their first semester at UF. In the following semester, they have priority to register for courses to do research in a group-setting under the guidance of a faculty member. Throughout the program, participants work on developing their online professional presence through an e-Portfolio, can develop their scientific communication skills by presenting their work to other students, and ultimately publish their research in a peer-reviewed journal. See the URSP program requirements page for more details. 

Yes! Some students in the past found research opportunities before coming to UF. However, in addition to helping those students who do not have a research position, URSP helps all students develop professionally through opportunities to present their work and network with experts in all fields of study.

You can email us at, follow us on Facebook @UFURSPFamilies & @URSPStudents, follow us on Instagram @urspadvisoryboard, or reach out directly to Dr. Donnelly at