About the Program
University Scholars commit 8-10 hours per week on a research project under the guidance of UF faculty. Registration for research credit in the department of the faculty mentor is expected for each semester of the program. The University Scholars Program serves as an exceptional capstone to the academic careers of UF students. Each spring semester, participating colleges and academic centers review applications. Students from all disciplines are selected through a competitive process to participate in this program. Specific dates and deadlines are available to accepted scholars on the USP canvas site and updated regularly.
Each University Scholar is required to attend USP orientations. Orientation is a way for CUR staff to get to know the students and for the students to be able to have an open forum for questions. During this orientation all details of the program requirements will be covered. To accommodate all schedules, several dates and times are available. See the Dates and Deadlines below for more information.
Each University Scholar is required to make a presentation at the University of Florida Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium by presenting a poster or an original creative work. You will be sent directions on how to submit your abstract and the required format before the deadline, which will be announced by January 15, 2026. You must submit your abstract on time to be considered for the Spring Symposium. These directions will be sent by January 15 via the USP canvas site. Your abstract and poster must be approved by your mentor before submission.
Every University Scholar is required to meet the publication requirement. Scholars must submit by 11:59 pm on April 1st or will be put into repayment. Mentors decide the option most suitable for the scholar, and their approval is required for all publication submissions.
The best option is to be a co-author with your advisor and/or research team on a paper submitted to a professional journal. Talk to your advisor early to determine if this is a possibility for you. To meet this requirement your research mentor must sign the form provided in the USP canvas site to verify that they will include you as a co-author in an article submitted to peer reviewed journal by the end of the calendar year (2026). This is also due with a hard deadline of April 1 at 11:59PM. No late submissions will be accepted.
If you will not be a co-author on a professional publication by the end of the calendar year, you must submit a research paper to JUR in the required format, by the JUR deadline (April 1, 2026). No late papers or papers not in the required format will be accepted. You must follow all of JURs deadlines and format requirements. Papers that do not meet their submission guidelines will not be accepted. Submitting to JUR may preclude later submission to a professional journal but as each has their own regulations about previously submitted/published work, you and your research mentor will have to determine if there is a conflict. CUR and JUR staff cannot answer that as each journal has their own guidelines.
This is a good option to preserve your data for future publication or if you and your mentor determine that the project did not progress to the point of meriting a journal article. To meet this requirement, you will write a research paper in the required JUR format and submit it to the USP Canvas along with a form signed by your mentor. This date is also April 1 at 11:59PM with no late submissions, or submissions in the proper JUR format, being accepted for any reason.
Most students to apply to the University Scholars Program through the college of your research mentor. Students doing research with an Artificial Intelligence component in any discipline can apply through the AI Scholars application portal. UF Online students doing research in any discipline can apply through the UF Online application portal.
Eligibility requirements are determined by each college. Check the college requirements of your mentor’s college to determine the requirements and deadlines you must meet. Students must submit their application and supplemental materials by the college deadline.
Undergraduate students enrolled in the Latin American Studies Minor or Certificate can opt for research immersion opportunities and are eligible for paid research. Alongside the Center for Undergraduate Research, there are two options to apply to: the Emerging Scholars Program (for freshmen and sophomores only) and the University Scholars Program.
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