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Find the links to JUR Template, JUR Checklist, and Mentor approval form below. Please note that April 1 at 11:59 PM is a hard deadline, and no late submissions will be accepted.

JUR Submissions

JUR submissions open on March 1 and close on April 1- this is a hard deadline, and the system will stop accepting responses at 11:59 PM. No late submissions will be considered for publication.

Submission Preparation Checklist

  • Notify the JUR team if your paper has been published before. (
  • The author has removed any identifying information in the paper. Do not include your name or that of any authors or faculty mentor on the article submission.
  • The author must submit their article in Word as a .doc or .docx.
  • Adhere to APA7 formatting and write in 3rd person.
  • If the article is accepted, the author must adhere to the deadline for revisions. The editor has the final approval of all articles.

Any undergraduate student at the University of Florida may submit a paper to UF JUR. To be eligible for publication, the research must be faculty mentored. UF Alum who have graduated up to 1 year prior to submission deadline.

UF JUR publishes original work only, including scholarly research papers as well as fine and performing arts projects that are accompanied by a project summary addressing, among other issues, influences, process/methodology, technique, and impact. Reviews are not accepted.

Papers should be between 1500 and 4000 words, including references and abstract. There is no limit on the number of figures and tables in a paper, though their placement and quality must conform to UF JUR guidelines. Paper over 4000 words will be returned without review.

JUR is published annually in the fall semester.

Submissions to JUR open between MARCH 1- APRIL 1 annually. No submission will be accepted after 11:59PM, April 1st.